Hey ladies!
Okay—I just wanted to inform you of another FANTASTIC site!
Jessica Moore of Moore Girly has such an awesome website on money-saving ideas. She shows you how to shave your budget and yet, how to get more bang for your buck. She offers some pretty cool giveaways from the web and has freebies galore! Honestly—who doesn’t like the word “free?"
What I absolutely l-o-v-e about her site—she has coupons and finds the best deals from groceries to diapers—you name it! (Super helpful. I go through a lot of diapers around here.)
Moore Girly Mom takes the stress and time off of me by doing it FOR ME.
Jessica says, “Women should look out for one another, especially in this day and age. We have a big enough job trying to be the mom we should be and the economic meltdown is only going to make it harder. Hopefully, I can share what I've learned with other women to make it a little easier.” In talking to other moms, Jessica found herself teaching women how to live on a budget, how to cut back on groceries, and still finding time for the things that mattered most. Jessica said, “I have always been frugal and liked to save more than I spent.”
AMEN SISTA! (I instantly bonded with her) Who doesn’t like to save a few bucks?
So check out the Moore Girly Mom website--you won't be disappointed!
So check out the Moore Girly Mom website--you won't be disappointed!
Her link is on the sidebar.
Mean Mommy University is excited to welcome Moore Girly Mom and hopes everyone gets a chance to check out her time-saving site—anything that can help us ladies free up more time for ourselves and be a little “MooreGirly.”
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