Does the inside of your fridge look like this??
Do you reach for the speghetti sauce and feel something cold and slimy rub against your fingertips and know WITHOUT A DOUBT that it wasn't the 6 month old bag of rotting carrots?
*I shudder.*
Jordan has come up with an ingenious solution for getting organized. Seriously, I won't give it all away, but check out her blog site--the first of her mini-series to attacking your home and claiming it back from the grasps of clutter.
Ironically, I'm just starting my spring cleaning. Maybe it's because the kids are off to school and I'm finally getting around to those projects I've been meaning to get to without playing referee to our unscheduled rugby matches inside the house!
Should you feel you are in the same boat, head over to Jordan's site where you will find a creative and wonderful blueprint to getting organized.
Starting with the fridge. :)
or... since we are such good friends ;)
and I'm going to "calf out" soon...
you guys can learn the tips and come clean my fridge for me :)
No? Well, it was worth a try.
I just did a deep clean of the frig on Saturday. Found the mystery smell. EWWWWW. Good news: it's now clean!
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