April 23, 2009


It's super late, and like the economy, my brain has decided to take a government bailout and leave me totally empty-less.

(Yes.....I think I made that up. There is the word: 'emptyiness,' but no 'emptyless'.....I suppose that if you put a space in there, and you made it into two words--then that would make sense. But of course I didn't make that up. I just combined them together and made one word.
Dude, this post has NOTHING to do with anything! (I told you it's late!) But the scary thing about the use of my word "emptyless"-- You probably understood what I meant without a definition. Watch out. Camryn-ism words are going to rub off on you!)

Um..yeah, anyway, Jordan just posted and I want to adopt this as my motto: "I AM a fan of enjoying life and the pastries therein." Is that not beautiful, poetic words? But what does that have to do with her hysterical description of waddling back and forth around the house like a penguin with a freezer burn?

Super funny post! Check out the Mean Mommy Academy link to the right :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey you!! How's it going over there? Woo Hoo it's getting warmer so we can actually be outside playing now.